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Work Inclusion with a Smile

2 years of growth and shared joy


Sorriso Academy, a social cooperative associated with Coopbund Alto Adige Südtirol, today celebrated its first two years of activity together with the association il Sorriso-das Lächeln, which has now reached its twentieth anniversary. Two realities that, in the same context of supporting people with Down Syndrome and their families, operate in an ideal continuity of time. In fact, the association caters for children and families, while the cooperative welcomes them once they have finished their studies, offering them an opportunity for employment within a project based on cognitive stimulation activities, sports initiatives and art sessions.


A milestone celebrated in Bolzano at the THUN headquarters, which, faithful to a tradition of social commitment through the work of the Lene Thun Foundation, has also been hosting Sorriso Academy for the past two years, providing the cooperative not only with the spaces of the Bistro Caffè al Volo but also rooms for workshop activities.


The event was attended by the Minister for Disabilities, Alessandra Locatelli, the President of Coopbund Alto Adige Südtirol Monica Devilli, local authorities and numerous supporters and friends.


"The friendship with Sorriso Academy, to whom we entrusted the management of the Bistro Caffè al Volo, was immediate and natural, and led us to develop an inclusive and ongoing project of exchange and reciprocity, which 'networks' and creates value first and foremost for the youngsters, but also for us who every day have the pleasure of living this experience, not least for the entire local community." - says Simon Thun, Vice-President of THUN-LENET Group, who continues "We are happy and grateful for this collaboration with Sorriso Academy, with whom we share important and founding values, such as respect and wellbeing for the person, which, as a Group, we are committed to promoting through the work of our Lene Thun Foundation. Once again, the ability to put so many small skills 'into a system' has allowed us, over the years, to give many children undergoing treatment moments of joy and a smile in paediatric oncologies. The same one that - every day for over two years - we receive as a gift from the wonderful Sorriso Academy children".